About the Author
Anne Merwin has a B.A. in History and Music from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. She has worked in public radio, classical music management and time management. However, when she converted to Catholicism and was introduced to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Anne found her vocation.
As a past President of the Mother Seton House in Baltimore and now as an Associate of the Sisters of Charity of New York, Anne enjoys each opportunity to share the legacy of the Sisters' foundress, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. She looks to Elizabeth Ann Seton for guidance and inspiration in her daily life as a wife, mother and grandmother.
Anne is available for speaking engagements. Please use the contact page for a request.
Anne Merwin has a B.A. in History and Music from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. She has worked in public radio, classical music management and time management. However, when she converted to Catholicism and was introduced to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Anne found her vocation.
As a past President of the Mother Seton House in Baltimore and now as an Associate of the Sisters of Charity of New York, Anne enjoys each opportunity to share the legacy of the Sisters' foundress, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. She looks to Elizabeth Ann Seton for guidance and inspiration in her daily life as a wife, mother and grandmother.
Anne is available for speaking engagements. Please use the contact page for a request.

Elizabeth Ann Seton arrived at Saint Mary's Seminary Chapel in Baltimore in
June of 1808. She solidified her vocation on the grounds of this holy and historic site.
Today you can feel the peaceful atmosphere here.
This is where I was introduced to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.”
(Psalm 100:4-5)
Photo of Saint Mary's Seminary Chapel: Used with permission of the Archives of the Associated Sulpicians of the U.S.,
Associated Archives at St. Mary's Seminary & University